I just completed the Southeastern Plein Air Festival on May 2nd and had a wonderfully busy week. I was one of the featured artist and my wife Estra took a week of vacation to participate as an amateur. We had a full schedule of painting from morning 'til night as well as attending the nightly functions. The staff from the Gadsden Museum of Art hosted the festival and did a great job of planning the event. I am really hooked on the Plein Air painting thing now and must really be careful as to not let it interfere with my studio painting. One of my art students participated in the festival and did an outstanding job. We had a wet paint auction in the end and I sold one painting that night and have two more pending bids as well, my art student Gina Brown sold one of hers and also has pending bids.
I did a photo shoot last week using a ballerina model, she is a beautiful girl with a lifetime of ballet training. I used the studio space at the Gadsden Museum of Art having her pose in front of a back lit arched window in different standing and sitting positions. Watch for these paintings being posted in progress in the next couple of days.
My next art trip will be back to New Orleans on the 21st, basically to swap out some paintings at The Gale Gallery and to do lots of photos and watercolor sketches.