If you have ever reviewed my work you probably noticed that it is not all the same in style or medium. I guess I just paint what I feel or maybe by just the mood that I'm in on that particular day. One could definitely say that I'm not typecast as an artist, I guess I get bored with consistently doing the same type work over and over again.
You may also have read in my workshop manual the importance I place on getting into the "ZONE" when painting. I also stress the importance of learning all that you can as an artist but at the same time you must not loose your personal identity as an artist. All successful artist have their own niche and do not mimic another artist style et cetera. I do, however, from time to time enjoy stepping out of my comfort zone in my personal form of impressionism to explore new territories. I'll choose an artist whose style a like and dissect the work to try to understand his way of thinking and then apply what I've learned to my work. More often than not I discover our theories are much the same. We were both emerged into the zone and the work was more about design and delving within the boundaries of a new era of contemporary impressionism. I do this as an exercise in right brain development that helps me become more creative and painterly without being too deliberate. In other words when painting "in the zone" the knowledge just flows out, it is not a deliberate effort, I ultimately just do it my way.
I would highly suggest to any artist to step out of your comfort zone, study different styles and mediums and develop all the skills you can, but in the end do it your way